Thursday, April 30, 2020

Lockdown Ramadhan Diaries #4: It's not you, it's me

Now that my workspace is in my bedroom (it used to be in the guest bedroom downstairs) I feel far from my mom cewah mengada. I hear her talking on the phone etc but I don't see her as compared to when I was utilizing the room downstairs.

I moved up because my brother is coming home soon and he usually uses that room (baik en I) also the room can be really hot la tbh. If my brother uses it he will switch on the fan and the air-conditioner but I'm not a fan (PUN NOT INTENDED) of switching on both at the same time or having the air-con on during the day. It just doesn't feel right. I feel like air-cons are only for nighttime. Miskeen. (fyi miskeen means like, keciaaan dia or like kamp0ng - for lack of better term - in Somali. Not miskin in the Malay sense)


I'm done with Zoom classes for the day. It's 2:17pm and the dishes downstairs are all wiped and done. I want to resume my content writing but I decided to blog first so I won't miss today before I get caught up in other work. Ramadhan nights are usually filled and I'm trying (unsuccesfully) to retire early to bed. This sleeping late every night isn't good for my skin! Wow superficialnya fikir kulit je ya.

Here's a question for everybody:
How many books did you say you'll read but haven't gotten around to reading? Here's mine.

And to be really honest this isn't the whole thing pun. I have a few more in another room but I deliberately arranged these in front of me so that I will at least pick one up and read... not. The most (pages) I've gotten into is Kindred. And to think I was so eager to read the book before I got it and the passion died after a few chapters or so. Not that it's not a good book. It's not the book. It's me. I don't know what's gotten into the girl who would spend hours reading. Social media is one culprit. It's very distracting. And just sheer... laziness? Is it laziness? Or an inability to focus on a task at hand. Either way it's annoying.

I've started reading all the books above and stopped abruptly except for two which I haven't even started reading yet.

Long ago I shared with a friend I couldn't bring myself to finish a book I lent her. She returned it to me wrapped with a little note in it saying how much she loved the book and that I should 'push through and be amazed.' I loved it. But I didn't read it.

Maybe my phone and laptop should be taken away and I cast myself off to a deserted island with all these unread books. In a straitjacket and my eyes pried open. Because I would still find pebbles or rocks to play with on the island. Heck I'd probably just spend my time in the sea.

Wow speaking of which I really miss the sea. Will be sure to go once all this hooha is over.

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