Saturday, April 25, 2020

Lockdown Ramadhan Diaries #1: Proud

I aim to write alllll 30 days of Ramadhan. Because I want to. And because I’m at home. Because it’s the oddest, most interesting Ramadhan ever. All locked up.

Day 1 berjaya Alhamdulillah! What is time T__T I tak kahwin lagiiii *panik2*

It’s 3.18am so I’m not going to say much. Just nak share gambar ni. Salah satu kebanggaan hari ni.

Semua prepare sendiri beb!
Here’s the thing. Kitorang and by kitorang I mean my whole fam sejenis tak masak. Paling2 masak sayur, dadar/goreng telur. Lauk luar. It’s been that way for so many years I think since I primary. Ada la sekali dua setahun masak😂 full course. But since the pkp our kitchen has been berasap la orang kata. Tapi hari ni aku especially bangga sebab tak pernah lagi bulan puasa tak depend dekat makanan bazar. Alhamdulillah. We started slowly two days prior. Prepare ingredients for rendang and karipap. Simple tapi sangat bermakna bagi aku. Bless my mom yang tukang masak. Penat gila prepare bahan, I’m honestly starting to get tired of the whole thing but today felt different.

Selamat menjalani ibadah puasa semua! Keep me in your prayers❤️

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