Sunday, February 24, 2019

Black and white thinking

Hi salams this isn't what I said I wanted to talk about as per my previous post. Yang tu nanti2 lah, lepas exam. This is a quick post hehe.

Apa itu pemikiran hitam putih?? Dalam terma yang lebih akademik 'binary thinking' or 'dichotomous thinking'. It is the tendency to only have two possibilities in your thinking - good or bad, all or none, this or that. Possibiliti lain takde peluang!

Why do I want to address this? Because as humans we often find ourselves in this snafu. And I want to tell you that a lot of people suffer from it because they have an underlying disorder. Those undergoing depression often find themselves having dichotomous thinking; it's one of the cognitive distortions or - may I say - a defect in thinking that they suffer from.

Why is black and white thinking dangerous?

Because it fails to consider the endless possibilities on this spectrum we call life. Dekat sosmed selalu sangat nampak this kind of thinking; that it worries me sometimes but we really don't know what the person behind the screen is all about so it's not my place to judge.

To be completely honest kadang2 I pun ada, tapi personally I'm more to trying to think of all the possibilities; which is membuang masa dan memeningkan kepala dan anxiety-inducing sampai aku pun macam 'woi pape je lah b0d0' dekat otak sendiri ya feel me? but that's another topic for another day hahahah.

For your own sake, remove this kind of thinking from your life hunney. It is not the right way to go about life where stuff is wayyyyy more complex than we give it credit for and honestly kadang2 tu bukan tempat kita untuk determine pun. I know it doesn't make sense to breeze through but set a limit on it hunney! Kalau perasan macam ok benda ni tak masuk akal; abandon it, amik thought yang paling bagus, and move on with life.

Easier said than done but it's possible! We need to make a conscious effort to do good things, dia tak datang sendiri wooooiii. Penat yes memang penat but that's life, takde orang yang duduk sesaja and tetiba jadi baik rohaniah and lahiriah ko paham tak apa aku merapu cakap ni.

Dah pergi dengar lagu Loona - Butterfly. I wanna go get breakfaststtsttststs xoxoxox

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