Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Call it what you want

A lot has been on my mind lately but I'm just letting it pass. I macam ha whateverlah fikirlah tapi kerja tetap kena jalan. Macam 'oh ye? ohkay' dekat otak sendiri hahahaha. Am I making sense?
I've been meaning to write a post on a different subject altogether but it's a Wednesday night and I'm watching live shows of Foster the People they are amazing their shows are top quality and the band bukan setakat melepaskan batuk di tangga jual muka punya performance, they are so into their craftsmanship it's a whole experience. Inspiring. I love watching people do stuff they're clearly passionate about. I'm sure a lot of you are familiar with the band, do take a listen and check out their sounds. Lagu2 dorang pun semua ada maksud yang dalam. I can gush all day so yeah haha. That's wassup. 
Oh and gambar atas tu hiasan je, few days ago I was about to throw out my Coldplay CD cover but I've always liked the wing design so I selotep it to my laptop hahaha. 
Will be back with the post I was meaning to do inshaAllah hehehe. Till then.

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