Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Aku perati je

Baru2 ni viral kisah pasal seorang figura (cewah) agamawan (dem), who divorced his wife via text while she was pregnant. Masa aku memula baca kisah tu memang sedih la tak payah cakap! And I talked about it with friends. Bukak2 twitter rupanya identiti figura itu sudah diexpose (cue the Expose song) dan sudah tentulah kecaman bermula... aku macam biasa scroll2 la nak tengok gak orang cakap apa. Boleh katakan hampir 100% bersimpati dengan nasib wife figure ni. Tapi yang membuatkan aku cam ada 'hmph' moment - is when men kecam lebih macam takde esok. Kecam macam dia suci murni. Kecam pedas terbabas. Aku perati je.

I don't mind my girls. We've been mistreated and exploited by men since the beginning of times. Tapi bila lelaki acah bag0s ni. Rasa menyampah. Kembang tekak aku rasa nak muntah lololol. So don't get me wrong, I'm not talking about the act of kecam-ing this figure, I mean, he deserves it. Although, personally, in dealing with even the worse of people pon kita kena jaga adab walaupun dalam hati menyumpah seranah. I'm talking about the group of people. These men who pounce on the chance of someone else's tragedy to be like 'Wey aku bagus gile aku tak camni do omg takleh brain do orang camni omg' like shut up, seriously shut up.

It's good that you have the conscience and the sense right now, (itupun kau dengan Tuhan je yang tahu, but still, lololololol COME ON) but seeing that makes me want to GAG.

This might piss some people off but I honestly don't give a dam. I have always been wary of men, and rightly so. Still find myself disappointed every day. But surprised? Not a teeeeny bit.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello dear, what makes you wary of men?